Frequently Asked Questions
2. What services does your office provide?
4. Where is your office located?
5. How do I make contact with your office to schedule a meeting?
1. What is UM-EOC?
UM-EOC is a grant project funded by the U.S. Department of Education and sponsored by the University of Maryland, College Park. We work with adults 19 years of age and older, and high school seniors in
Prince George's County not served by Educational
Talent Search who are primarily low-income and first generation.
2. What services does your office provide?
The primary goal of UM-EOC is to serve eligible Prince George's County adults by providing admissions and financial aid information and assistance in entering or re-entering postsecondary
education. UM-EOC also provides academic, personal, and career counseling; admissions application assistance; financial aid application assistance; referrals for GED, etc.
3. Who can participate?
The following criteria are considered in the selection of UM-EOC participants: low-income status; first generation college status; age 19 or over; veteran status; and high school seniors not served
by Talent Search.
4. Where is your office located?
UM-EOC has two primary locations. The main office is located in the community at 6811 Kennilworth Avenue, Suite 504, Riverdale, MD 20737. We are located at the intersection of Kennilworth
Avenue and Good Luck Rd. We can be reached by phone at (301) 429-5934 and by fax at (301) 429-5935.
We also have offices on the UM campus located at 2204 Marie Mount Hall, College Park, MD 20742; (301) 405-4736. (301) 314-9794 (fax)
5. How do I make contact with your office to schedule a meeting?
UM-EOC has partners in the community who provide us with satellite locations to meet with interested persons. You can either contact the office to schedule
an appointment at either our Lanham office or campus location or we can schedule to meet with you at a satellite location in the community.
We also encourage community groups to organize community forums and UM-EOC staff will present workshops at a forum chosen by your group.